Our Attorneys

Consumer Protection and Litigation

All the members of our team are seasoned Attorneys with a solid academic background and 20+ years of experience in many fields of law. All are specialized in Consumer Protection disputes and litigation.

Managing Partner / Consumer Protection Lawyer

José Bolio Halloran

He is a lawyer and entrepreneur with solid academic support and extensive  experience  in 
various areas of law with 24 years of experience. José is a graduate of the Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico (ITAM), one of the most prestigious universities in Latin America. He earned his law degree in 2002. He also has a Master’s Degree in Tax Law obtained from Universidad Anahuac Mayab in 2023. He’s a seasoned lawyer with experience structuring complex matters, litigation and negotiation in both public and private companies. José has overseen copyright, intellectual property, partnerships, real estate, and construction and infrastructure projects. Before joining Peninsulawyers as Managing Partner, José was Legal Director of the Southeast Region of Petróleos Mexicanos, Legal Director at SIMCA Desarrollos and a contract lawyer at Televisa. He also has many legal articles published in several publications.

Consumer Protection Lawyer

Germán Fueyo

He obtained his law degree in 1995 from La Salle University and has completed various seminars and degrees at the Universidad Iberoamericana and ITAM in Mexico and at Mays Business School in the United States. He has extensive experience in the telecommunications industry, in electricity, oil and gas, as well as in the development and operation of electric power generation projects, as well as the implementation of anti-corruption programs. His practice includes contracting and negotiation, corporate law, intellectual property and immigration. Germán has advised clients in the development of anti-corruption programs in various Latin American countries, in addition to being a professor of law and computer science and is an active speaker at national and international seminars on FCPA, CFPOA and the Mexican Energy and Telecommunications industries (and their reforms). Germán is a member of the Board of Directors and the Council of Directors of various companies. Prior to joining Peninsulawyers, he was Legal Director at Baz Energy, Legal Director of the Latin America region at Halliburton and Corporate Legal Director at AT&T Mexic

Litigation Lawyer

Rafael Villaseñor

Master in Corporate Law from the Universidad Panamericana;  in Tax,  from  the  University  of
Guanajuato and candidate for Master in Administrative Law from the Universidad Panamericana. Graduate in Law from La Salle University. Rafael also has a Diploma in Senior Public Management from the Universidad Panamericana and in Responsibilities of Public Servants from ITAM, with Specialty studies in Tax and Administrative Law from the Universidad Panamericana. He has more than 20 years of experience, being a lawyer in tax and administrative matters in the Legal Directorate of Petróleos Mexicanos, Manager of Nonconformities and Sanctions for Suppliers and Contractors in the Internal Control Body at PEMEX, as well as Complaints Manager. Since 2012 he has been a candidate lawyer, being an external lawyer of the SAE, as well as currently President of the State Anti-Corruption System in the State of Michoacán. Member of Coparmex. He has been a professor in the Law degree at the ITESM Morelia campus, as well as in the Master’s Degree in Tax Planning and International Taxation at the Universidad Latina de América.

Ready to get answers from an expert consumer protection lawyer?

Don’t let legal challenges hinder your dream investment—contact PeninsuLawyers today and let us navigate the complexities, providing you with peace of mind and successful outcomes.

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